Game Cancellations
Picture Day Info for May 11, 2024
Blue Dot- Fields 8,9,10 and tee ball- parking is available in the rear of the Activity Center (skating rink)
Pink Dot- Softball #1- the main parking lot is the best option, but there is a road behind the field that you can park at or the community center.
Orange Dot- Soccer fields #10-#13- for anyone on the soccer fields on the west side of the park- please use the west lot that leads up to football!
Rec Baseball Fields: |
Troy: |
Cancellations: Will post on our Facebook Page and Community Page |
Posted by 3:30 pm weekdays and 8 am Saturdays |
Fields: Tri-Township Park 410 Wickliffe, Troy, IL 62294 (View Map) |
St. Jacob Fields |
Cancellations: Will post on our Facebook Page |
Fields: St. Jacob Township Park, 339 W Main St Saint Jacob, IL 62281 |
Highland |
Cancellations: 654-7042 |
Fields: Highland Glik Park,- Zobrist, Wirz 2 & 3 12525 Sportsmann Rd. Highland, IL 62249 |
O'Fallon |
Cancellations: 622-1439 by 4 pm (or check the Facebook Page) |
Fields: Community Park, 401 East 5th St. O'Fallon, IL (in the Center of Town, 1 block west of O'Fallon Twnsp HS) Hesse Park, 810 Madison Dr. O'Fallon, IL (Behind Hinchcliffe Elementary) |
O'Fallon Family Sports Park, 301 Obernuefemann Road, O'Fallon IL |
Shiloh Community Park, 1 Park Dr., Shiloh IL 62269 (Games will be on Field B, west of the water tower) |
Maryville | (or check Facebook Page) |
Cancellations: (or check Facebook Page) |
Fields: Drost Park, 504 E Division Street, Maryville IL 62062 |
Pocahontas |
Gretchen Wilson Park - 209 Pocahontas Ave, Pocahontas, IL 62275 |
Collinsville Parks and Recreation |
Collinsville Sports Complex |
Cancellations: The Rainout Hotline phone number is the Parks and Recreation Office number. Callers will be prompted to choose #1 for the Rainout Hotline or #2 for Office information. 618-346-7529 Press #1 |
View the Inclement Weather & Rainout Policy PDF |
JJK Foundation Cancellations: (615)351-1042. Updates will be provided by 4:00 pm for the weekday games and by 9:00 am for the Saturday games. |
Coaches Log in to their TEAM
Projected Timeline 2024 updated 11/16/23
Projected Timeline 2024
January 1-March 10
Wait List & Late Fee $20 Starts
March 11
Confirm Coaches and Finalize Divisions
March 18-25
Draft & Equipment Handout-
March 26-28
Practices Start
March 26-April 6
Easter Weekend
March 29-31
Draft of Game Schedules to PARKS
April 5
Draft approved by Parks-all changed made
April 8
Draft of Game Schedules to Coaches for errors
April 8-10th
Draft Game Schedules by Coaches Complete
April 11
Final Game Schedule Complete for Distribution
April 12
League Games Start
April 29
Memorial Weekend-No League Games
May 24-27
League Games End Inst up Pending weather
June 20
Reschedules Pause for Playoffs (Inst up)
June 21-29
Playoffs for Instructional Up & Last Games TB
June 22-June 29
Any needed reschedules
June 30-July 6
Max End Date with Reschedules, Rainouts and playoffs
July 6
Draft Date for Head Coaches Instructional & Up
When will I hear from my child’s Coach?
Coaches will not receive their rosters or practice schedules until the very end of March. They will be calling the first week of April.
When do Practices start?
Practices start the first week of April.
Please be patient. Some coaches are working, may be out of town and each will start when they are able.
When will I know our practice schedule?
Your coach will call with your practice schedule once they receive their teams and schedules.
What if I have not heard from my child’s coach?
Please give them until the end of the first week of April to contact you via email or phone.
What does my child need for baseball, softball, or tee ball?
All players need a glove and water for practices. All children receive a Jersey and hat the week before games start. Tee ball players can wear black shorts and tennis shoes. Baseball and softball players will need baseball or softball pants and socks. Please wait to purchase until your coach decides on what color pants and for the color of your team for the socks. There will be helmets in the coaches’ bag to share. Boys Instructional up is required to wear a cup.
Where do I get items they need to play?
The park provides the Jersey and hat. There are helmets to share in the coach’s bag. We have a borrow program at the park office (as they grow so fast!). You can borrow these and give them back or to another player that can use them when done. Play it Again Sports has great equipment and Walmart carries most everything needed too!
When do games start?
Games start the first week of May.
When will the game schedule be out?
Game schedules do not come out until the second week of April. They will be given to the coaches. They will also be linked on your rec desk page for all divisions except MERBL (Boys AA and Boys AAA)
When do the games end?
League games are set to end pending any delays by June 30th. Instructional Divisions up have optional team playoffs immediate after their last league games end. Tee Ball does not play in the playoffs, so they are done after their league games are complete!
Does my child receive a medal?
Tee Ball players and Instructional player receive medals. Rookie and up receive 1st and 2nd place medals only.
What days of the weeks are games/practices?
Practices and games run throughout the week depending on the division and coach’s availability, then on Saturday mornings. Generally, there is a practice or a game during the week, then one on Saturday morning.
Can I request a coach/teammate?
There is a place in registration to request a teammate. This is not guaranteed.
Can my child play up/down a division?
Your child may play up, but we do not allow players to play down in age/grade.